The birth of a Blog... what hell and riots will it reap?
Wow finally got sucked into the blogosphere... hmmm what can i say? errr hello cyberspace? Hope you don't mind, cos theres going to be alot of vomit and crap coming out of this blogspot hencforth....
Errr what is this blog dedicated to? Dedicated to? hmmm I guess my life? My experiences of an ABC/semi-fob/Japanese wannabe "adult" *cough* *cough* *bullshit* *ahem* living in Australia? The hardships of love that i encounter? the pains of lifes lessons encountered, the things i have dropped on the ground and eaten... and anything inbetween?
Well *ahem* TAdA! Welcome to my blog, fellow cyber geeks, i mean readers. Hope you'll like what i post, and to those that know me, please don't stare at me different after reading my blogs hehehe
Lets get started! Pug engines are GO!
Au revoir!

hey gor!
just finished exams.. call me!
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