Soccer, veering on the classification of 'womens' sport?
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Sometimes you have to wonder, what is up with this game we call soccer? called 'football' in most asian countries, don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of the sport and i love to play the game. But what i hate the most is the diving and faking of pain that goes on in the sport!
My god! u'd think you were watching a a melodrama of who can make the worst face contortion look! Fair enough, go down when your in you serious pain, and broken something vital to living. But puhhhlease, i just cringe whenever i see acts like Rivaldo in Brasil world cup get struck in the legs mildly with a soccer ball to do the full "back flip and grab my face in pain, even though i was struck in the knees move!" Not that Rivaldos got a face worth saving... mind you. Those brazillians, they come up with all the moves...
Would u save this?

Or even sexier, this?

If you've ever lived in Aus like i have, you know that there are sports far worse than 'soccer' where pain is actually a real possiblity! Look at Aussie Rules, where your encouraged to literally jump on your opponent's back(in the non sexual sense) and ride him (non sexu...ahhh u get it) in the air looking for an oblong shaped football....Gee i just realised 'Aussie rules' has a lot of sexual connotations.
The King of football Mr "Chris Judd"... who looks suspiciously like...

Or Rugby, the Australian one, not like the stupid version NFL, where the prerequisites of entry is to
a. Either be extremely obesely fat(not hard in the US) and good at playing 'patty cakes' with your opponent
b. Throw good and far like your momma taught u. Or run fast. Without forgetting the ball.
That sport is rough Aussie Rugby, you wear no armour, your facing a 100+kg opponent that can ACTUALLY run, and your constantly being bashed whether u have the ball or not!

These sports illustrate how ridiculous the 'feining' (spelling? i'm lazy to spell check) that soccer is, if this type of crap was ever allowed or occurred in the sports mentioned before. On a mass basis, the game would never get going with everyone keeled over in "pain", but if you did it yourself trying to start a trend, you would get chucked into the womens league, or killed. By your team mates. nuff said.
Its no wonder that soccer is thought of as such a 'piss poor sport' or a 'wanker sport' as the Aussies might call it? because in all honesty think about it can we blame them? That aside, i'm still watching the game, Brazil vs Mexico on the lovely SBS channel. Although a 'piss poor sport' still a damn good one, bar the majority of whusses that play in it.
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