Hmm wow! Time sure does fly! but why without me?
Wow! just talking to my bestie Kae over the phone about random rubbish, when the topic of one of our old friends Christine came up! Heya Christine! if your reading ;) Missin' ya an everyone back home!
Its been a long time since i've spoken to a lot of friends, HEY i'm still thinking about u guys! Its quite ironic though, as i'll be moving back home to Perth soon, but yet, everyone seems to be moving away? (yes i'm thinking of a certain Hana, Nerissa, Charis *stares*) They're all girls too? It must be an omen :P
But anyway... back to the topic
Christine was my highschool ball partner, and ever since we have been good friends, shes a hell drunk, but she knows that i am too. We both don't admit we're drunks, but deep inside, we know better :)
A sober bunch.... only to get drunker............ UNTIL..............ahhh the nostalgia...

Anyhoo... Chris will be moving to Sydney soon to work, where the normal daily commute is 1 hr to get to work and back, whilst working hours are 8-8pm. So many of my friends have gone there to work, and are leaving too, yet i can't comprehend why? The balance of life versus work, seems to be severly misbalanced?
I understand we are young, therefore we are able to handle these lifestyles, but thats just it... I don't get it? 'we are able to handle these lifestyles'? Does that mean that we should be spending majority of our days working to no end, and retiring back to sleep only to wake up to the same ol drudgery over and over again for our youth??
I understand its important to work hard, but at the same time, i'm thinking, "I'm young, shouldn't i be having more fun and enjoying quality of life, while i still can until i get older?" actually scratch that. "I'm human, therefore i should be spending as much time as i can on this big blue earth enjoying what oppurtunities and joys it can bring?"
Many people rarely enjoy the work that they do, and if they do, they are either one of the very lucky minority that get into a job that they can fully appreciate, or b, they are easily satisfied. Sure Sydney is a big and fun place to party at, but thats just it, its a fun party place, but in terms of living and working there? I'm not just critisizing Sydney of course, our Asian neighbours are even worse, with Singapore and Malaysia being some of the main culprits!
You might think its because i'm a very lazy person, but you think about it yourself, why is it that we work? Its so that we can provide good quality of life for our family, and to live a comfortable life. Unless your extremely material obsessed, work is more a chore, something that has to be done to get the bread on the table, provided you get time from work to sit at that table.
Its quite weird yarrr.... i guess this is my "Generation Y" syndrome kicking in. Work is something everyone can do without. I just want to know what will happen when everyone works so much that they forget what they are doing it for?
The ultimate job thrill!~

how funny! I just blogged about christine too - cause i bumped into her today :)
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