Crap is an Under Over statement of my day :P
Howdy peepz, Ugh a very painful and unhygenic day today... lucky for you i've given my 'photoshopping' skills a miss on account that i'm tired, very sore and deep inspirational or controversial topics either today, not that i've had this blog for long... i plan to torture you ppl with my bitchin' and rants... umm i mean my ideologies and theories ;)
Anyway... back to the day, ugh. Started off today, went for my morning surf as usual, decided to try my favorite spot, (3rd carpark, tourist loop) Theres always been a reef near where i surf, but most of the time, i surf quite far away from it... but today... it seems like the surf gods weren't smiling on me.
The FIRST wave that i caught! My one wave, it was only about ~3ft twas all going well, but as it was bringing me to shore, i noticed...hey this isn't where i paddled out from! and then i realised, SheEEet!, i was heading straight to reef! I didn't realise, but while i was paddling out, the current was pushing me closer and closer to the reef. So what can you do? i had to bail, but by that time it was too late, i was getting sucked into the reef by the current.... The rest of the story tells itself, i got some bruising a lot of cuts, a bit of blood (WHICH I HATE!!, cos i'm a haemaphobe) and small chunk of meat coming out of the sole of my foot.
Owchies, my bloody foot... not pretty...

Anyway, lucky i was wearing a wet suit, otherwise i reckon i would have got alot more hurt. And lucky that my board got more of a bruisin when i was getting out of the reef... Unfortunately for it, its 'dinged' up and scratched up as the surfies call it. To make things worse, a crab clawed my bleeding foot as i was getting out :( so NOT happy JAN. I mean i knew that theres a first experience in getting hurt in surfing, so i guess i have to be lucky it wasn't too serious.
The rest of the day, spent recovering and licking my wounds... not literally, i don't think i could EVER lick blood UGhhghhghghg. Even if its like a survivor challenge or something. I pass out at the sight of blood, like quantious amounts >_<>
Looking at my kitchen, i encountered something i haven't encountered before in all my singlehood life. Normally its, i have no food, therefore i must starve on spoonfulls of milo. This time however, it wasn't the lack of food. (Its a saturday, shopping day... mmm $80 worth of junk food....mmm) It was more the lack of dishes to put the food in, when cooking.
Duuurrrrttttyyyyy ^_-

Oh and on another update... Its A WINTER PLAYGROUND IN ESPERANCE! heheeh jkjk I cleaned out all that bloody frost in my non frost free fridge! The result is as follows ;)
The closest i ever got to snow... ;)

Mehhh so a not so good day... i think when i get back to Perth, i'm going to trade in my board to get a new one... I think my epoxy board is really a bit of a bush pig, i need something faster and lighter...mmm fibre glassness... Anywayyyy hopefully tomorrows surf adventure will be promising... ^___^ yep, you heard, if my cuts etc are all healed by tmr, i'm going again! I just can't get enough of the surffff!
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