Surfing and Japan in the 70s
Goodie goodie! Was a good day today! ^____^ lots of 3ft-4ft surf even till 3 in the arvo! Met a cool guy whos travelled around Australia! This was his second time! Hardcore! knows almost every spot and place around the coast lines in Aus! He reckons Esperance has one of the best beaches though, so i liked him ;)
Anyway, rest of the day was spent sleeping, i think i spent 3.5 hrs out in the water, i barely had enough energy to walk up the sand dunes to my car by the time i'd finished, heheheh And now i'm contemplating, due to 2 days of surf 'hair' of getting dreads done, like not the massive rasta type, but like mini dreds like the japs ^_- what do you guys think?
Watched a pretty good film just then, it was very 70s, its called 'Stray rock sex hunter' don't mind the title, its not porn ;) but its like a 70s based Jap film about a group of girl gangsters and the trials and tribulations of racism(against half castes etc) at the time, i was thoroughly impressed! even though it was made in the 70s, i think most artso's would appreciate it too, it had a thumpin oldskool soundtrack, well flowing plot, and there was good character development. And some FUNKY assed fashion even for 70s might i say. Very cool film indeed, its among one of my favorites!

There has always been the conception that there is still racism between foreigners and half castes in Japan in present day, and i wonder if that is really the case. I've heard of people who have moved over to Japan attempting to establish a lifestyle there, only to return bitterly dissapointed due to the racisism they received. Mind you i don't mean racism with caucasians, god! i think we all know that they love caucasians, but among fellow asians/half castes.
I'm planning on going to Japan to teach english for a year, yet ANOTHER one of my unfulfilled dreams, and i hope that that won't be the case when i get there. Though with the issues with Japan and China at the moment, i guess i should be prepare my self for the anything.
Anyhoo, short bloggeth today, feeling quite lazy, can't wait to go home next weekend! Yay!
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