OoooOooooo Theres something about Tan girls that just get the hormones buzzing! Mmmmm... why is it that Tan girls are such a turn on? Is it our dark skinned African roots? I have no idea... but something about them.... *shudders*
I LOVE TANNED GIRLS!, lets make that official! Tanness emphasizes Energy! Youth! Adventure! Life! Strength! Independance! Passion! and lots of beach which i love! O_o heheheh nyway, back to the blog... I WAS about to write about how gross and disgusting 'fake' tan was... until i saw this photo... i think i'll need to reassess... ;) i'm a fickle person that changes my mind quickly, no i don't! Yes I do! Um?...
Vavvaaa voooooooom!

Japanese are the biggest culprits of 'fake tan' As these Ganguro girls promptly demonstrate, they seriously 'cake it on' Though the examples i have shown are of the 'sexually alluring' nature. Please pplz... stop wanking now, because you're about to get a shock, but if you've already finished wanking after reading this, you came too fast ;)
Viola, the not so good Ganguro type girls...but wait! theres more!

The even more wrong Ganguro type BOYS! Omg what monkeys~!

Rigghhht so back to the issue... rightt... although the first example was damnnn fine specimen of hot Ganguro girls... i doubt that they're interesting people. Most likely is that they're insecure people with an inferiority complex want to be noticed in society, but cannot do so without looking, how can i say? Like a golden monkey? not saying that these girls are, but i believe as a majority stereotype, this would be the case.
Do they realise that they look like they've spent too long cooking in an oven set on 'deep fry'? I think so, do they realise that with a little rain and a bit of make up remover that they become can melt plain people? I think they do. Do they care? I think not... because the spotlight is all they crave.
Fair enough u use fake tan for special occasion, like a fashion shoot, a school ball etc etc, but to wear it ALL the time? Why not spend all that time putting on the fake tan, actually sitting out in the sun and getting a real one? Or even going to a solarium? Though thats not much better... Tsk... i don't like the fake tan, it dilutes all that Tanness stands for, and it makes it difficult for me and any other 'pure tan' lovers to find the 'real thing'! Kinda like thai 'women' and how they have peni.... woahhh Lets not go there....
...Good GRAVy!... before there were heaps of nice tanned (natural?) 'friendster' girls lol i have to blog on about friendster one day... that i could find as an example, but now i got none, none that i already know that will probably bitch slap my ass to the moon if they found out i posted their picture ;) But once you google "tanned asian photos" 3 guesses of what search results you get? I'll give you a hint, it *rhymes* with 'corn'... but i checked em out anyway, just to be sure ;) If i find one i'll post here. If you wanna submit your tan picture, pass it to me and after rigirous testing, if sucessful will be posted here
[Insert your Tan picture here]
HEheheh maybe i'm being superficial again... but theres also a level of tanness that distinguishes burnt or well done... but i'll save that for another blog..... lol Allll hail T.A.N!!!! Totally Asian Naturelle!!! (Tan that is)!!!!
hoozay ! this space shall henceforth be littered with random posts by a very bored girlie
sometimes, when i am bored. and when i have something to say.
like : tanned guys look better than pasty deathly white ones
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