Building Flying Ships....
Today i am stuck indoors :(
For those who don't know me, i'm a naturally 'outdoorsy' person. Being stuck indoors is like being in a 3 x 3 cell for me. What to do? I knew the weather was going to be shitty, but didn't plan ahead, well i kiiiind of did, but never got the motivation to go through with those plans >_<
So i spent the day, rummaging round the house looking for things to do, when i stumbled across a new'ish looking casino set! it has the full chips, poker, roullette and evverything! No need to go to burswood anymore! hahaha to test my luck today, i gave myself a $300 'chip' limit, and went away betting on roulette!.... never the less, i lost all my money in the first 10 mins. Damn you RED! how could u not appear 3 times?! Grrrrzzz
but other than that, being a freakishly windy day today, i also found some old balinese 'Ship Kites' and started to build them.... First ship i built i named, "Nautilus 1" and the second "Nautilus 2" Kinda unoriginal i know.
Nautilus 1

Nautilus 2

Nautilus 1 & 2, the shoes are my size 11 booties just to illustrate the size of my 'fleet'

They even come with little spinning propellers that spin in the wind! Cute! gosh i'm a geek :P

Took Nautilus 1 out for a 'spin' wahhh the winds were damn strong i think i crashed it like 7 times! Lucky its a tough bugger, or i'm incredibly lucky to get it back in one piece! But yah, Nautilus 2 is smaller, decided not to take it out cos it'd prolly fall apart.
Anyway, watching and flying those ships reminded me of two things. Last Exile, the first thing, a germaic influenced anime based the concept of flying ships and council run air born world, a totally awesome anime, i thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly (yes i do like it) recomend it, especially if u love the thought of flying like me and are a chronic dreamer like me.
Last Exile copyright GONZO/Pioneer

And the thought of how simple things like building a kite and flying it can amuse me. It was a good feeling. Laughing to myself, not a care in the world, enjoying myself and nature. Even playing roulette by myself reminded me of how simplistic things can make me happy(such as losing fake money hauhahah).
Be it a couple years ago, i probably would have found these activities 'lame' or stupid. Some people probably still think that it still is. Not that i care what they think. What i care is that i find that i am starting to appreciate and really love life. I find things honestly fun and happy again. It's as if i were breaking out of a shell, a shell protecting me from my real feelings. This shell being built up over the years for one reason or another. Whatever purpose this shell served, is left to the past, but whatever purpose it was, it wasn't making me happy. So now i can say that i can't be more satisfied with the way things are now. Life is so beautiful, if only other people could see how beautiful life is to me as i do right now. ^_^
is there such thing as a 3 x 3 cell?
i thought it was 4 X 4!?
take care Bryan!
hey you slacker!! haha why no update?!?! now that your exam is over you will have plenty of time to blog! :)
I'm sooo lazzyyy even now ma chatter box is dead, besides... i'm overseas, in like a 'kampung' village, no electricity round here lolzz jkjk might get back into it, but a lot more shorter entries an less photos, we'll see how it goes..
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