What do you mean life isn't simple??
Been reading a lot of blogs recently, and realised that mine is hardly serious at all :P
So i'm going to attempt to blog my almost deepest semi-dark feelings today.
What can i say? today was a good day, i'm still recovering from my stomach-cramp-wanna-throw-up-yet-i'm-still-hungry pains. But mentally, my mind was amuck. My brains actually a mess normally, if my brain was a metaphor, it'd be strangely interesting and wise sewerage.
Right, first thing. I came up with a theory that just cleared a lot of life for me. I have been lately trying to be original "not run with the herd aka end up in the f&^king slaughterhouse" as a good friend quotes regularly. But then i realised, wtf is orginality? by me being alternative is that orginal? dissing social norms, is that original? alternative music, now has a categorie unto itself, so its no longer original?
I've realised that most things are not original, almost everything nowadays thought of as being 'original' is just an actual collage of memories, and hence since these memories were mixes of items/experiences/influences of another 'thing'(in the broad sense of the word), technically, its not original. Think about it, designers make their creations through influence and never really have a form of originality, just influences. The person who invented surfing, probably saw a log being pushed to shore by a wave, and thus wasn't exactly original. So really, its just an overlap of influences and memories that creat so called forms of 'originality'
But there is a source to all this originality, otherwise there wouldn't be this overlap or creativity or life possibly at all. The ultimate form of originality? Nature. Thats it. We derive everything from nature plain and simply. Other things are irrelevant.
Damn i gotta stop listening to "Ibiza Chillout sessions" when i blog :P
Anyway, i was experimenting last night, you know that theory that men think of sex every 3 minutes or something... well, sitting alone, couldn't sleep 2am in the morning... i reached down into my pants.... NAh not really.
I came with an experiment to 'bust this myth' as the totally awesome Mythbusters would say, and just tried to think of as many random objects/people/words and say them out a loud as fast as my brain could. Though sexual items did prop up quite a lot. I stumbled upon a funny trick. Our brains are crap. They can't process things quickly without relating items to one another. Like if i thought of apples, next item would be another fruit lychee, then it'd be SE Asia, then it'd be malaysian girl, then it'd be hotel, then it'd be..... hahaha
Well anyway, i found that quite interesting. You should try it, if you are ever bored out of ure skull an insomniac living 800km from home by yourself that hasn't had a healthy meal for the last month.
Ew u are grose bryan! Living in Whoop whoop has made you go crazy!
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