Uggggg sick
Yes i know i had it coming... i'm having stomach cramps right now... tryin to force it down with a mix of hot salami sticks and sour skittles, don't think its helping... at least the mold taste is out of my mouth.... The day did not look good. Only on the third day for the quest empty pantry absolution, danger has befallen our hero Long Elf Largentas Estinelas.
*spplllttt sppplllllt splooooshhhh* -translated "i am unable to converse at this time, as my mouth is my ass, please leave a msg... *sppplrrtttt**"

The day did not bode well for our heroes, with the first indication of bad omens, when a strangely shaped peanut butter spread begun to appear on their lembas bread. Signs were not good for our heroes, soon after staring at the oddly shapped peanut butter, stomach fits occured. From hysteria what not of staring at the poo shapped breakfast too long.
What the?? Poo related comments from previous post flowing on??

After much strenious tremendous trek (3min drive to work) our heroes faced our first challenge... the much feared sirens of sleep! (aka tax returns) unfortunately though, no ear muffs or wax could prevent the devastating power...
Genius! I was completely fooled!

Fast forward to evening... Esperamore dead quiet(as well as boring), not an orc (our receptionist) or a goblin (padantic lady that works out the back) to be heard... when our heroes stumble upon a gourd of black substance, with a slightly white film...perhaps well seasoned oil?...weary and starved from a tough day of fighting orcs and goblins as the such, our heroes submit to the black substance and cook up a 'zaru soba suprise' only to find that the henous sauce had been leftover and the film was not that of seasoned oil at all! But off the mossy mold from the dead marshes...
What fate will befall our heroes... what hospital awaits him? will he need to wear a nappy for life? Who knows?... stay tuned...
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