Guess who? Mr PugU~!
Woot woot! why the 'woot woots'? Hmmm because its a glorious day in our big blue earth today. Well actually 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago. As I HAVE RETURNED, returned, from my one year self exile in woop woop land! None the less, i can blog again! At least i think i can? :P
Why has it taken me so long to blog? Well, lots and lots and lots of shite *pardon ze french* actually. Lets see, there was first the whole concept of actually getting my shite together, which i finally finished doing tonight, bar a few things.
Cleaning my shitey shitey room....

Second lot of shite to do, was to catch up with all my friends i haven't seen in ages... that was very very time and money consuming, especially the latter, when i just have an urge to 'treat' all my very special friends, i'm sucha sweet guy aren't I? hahaha. Cept for one friend who had to 'treat' me, cos i forgot my wallet... 'forgot' lol.... that friend was extraaaa special heheheh.
Thirdly, Avon Decent, i went to as 'support crew' recently, woah! what a blast! looks like fun! definately wanna maybe perhapsly, not suredly go try it next year? Why the uncertainty? because i'm uncertain where i'll be next year! or if i'll still be interested, thus the not so laying down of goal.
Fourthly, getting used to the whole new working in a 'cube' sorta thing. I reckon u'd think i'm going to bitch about work huh? NOPE! hehehe i actually find it fun working in Perth, I have a great boss, even better colleagues, and i'm in the city with all the yummy foods... OoooOOOooo that reminds me, i gained like 4 kg!!!! since i got back :(
My office, my cube, my box, my little hovel, my second home ;)

My instant coffee collection, my sustanence, my boost, my saviour ;)

Works been tough, but plenty of it, which i am glad. It keeps me busy, and the day passes faster, however i do have the greater urge to want to become a uni student, now i have more friends still in unit to party with! BAH! Stupid work. *ooops* i mean good work, but the concept of working i "BAH" at. HAuahha i'd be soo happy though, if work was like uni, get up at 10 go home at 3pm that would be the life! When i'm mega rich, that will be my life! i'll work casual jobs at maccas or something just for fun! lol. Anyway, i'll TRY to blog sooner and faster... but... yahh with this new found 'social' life and all heheheh also a 'gomen nasai' to all my penpals.... don't know if i'll be able to keep up writing to u guys! Laterz bloggerinozz!!
"forgot" hey?!? im not falling for that one time i will pretend to treat you, and then do a "dine & dash" hehe :)
Love your pictures of your room!...
and your doggy!
your goin to "love" city life in perth!
don't work too hard...
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