Long time no blog man, wass been up blawwwg? *right my rhymes have just hit an all time low...*
Hmmm today i decided to restart my blog after a spur of the moment 'reinfluence' from reading other ppls blogs.
One thing i noticed about other ppls blogs that was different from was that;
*They're more funny
*They're laid out better
*They have more pictures and are cooler
*They have all these bits and bobs that i don't
*They generally are more interesting, witty and more intelligent than mine
*Also they have smaller posts...
Sooo... in an effort to improve my blog 'appeal' i've decided to improve my blog by following other pplz blogs by following *ONE* of those points. Ie the last one, the smaller posts.
You may think i'm being slack, well err...... i'm not.... so.... like... 'don't rain on my parade'
but yeah bar from this post, my future posts will be more concise *hopefully* (but knowing my lack of concising ability and general crap that i like to spur on about, i don't know how long this will last...) ^_-
but yeah, incase you are wondering why i haven't blogged these last months here are my excu....i mean reasons:
- CA (a terrible disease that makes u want to study while working like a biaatch for peanuts, disease kicks your ass for two years, assuming u pass all the units or *phases* of the disease)
- Relationship problems (another terrible disease, current cure unknown)
- Overseas condition (been travelling, though know foreign diseases or STDs have been contracted, as of yet..... O_o)
- Finally, my 5 year old crappy 2 megapixel camera 'konked' it aussie slang for; Died, crapped on me, shited up, kacked it or generally incapacitated...
Soo i won't be having much photos to upload as yet; but here is a cute one of my adorable cousins and me....
aww aren't we cutte???

Couldn't find a pict of my 3rd cousin but yah this is a group mug shot other cousin is next to me... if u don't know who i am, you can go F*&k off....

Anyhooo thats my blog for today, i'm so full and sleepy atm... been eatin non stop since i got back... tmr hopefully a bball game will shab some of that flab.... ps i don't think 'shab' is a word... ahh wells. >_<
Kind Regards,
The manager
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