Sunday, July 24, 2005

Last weekend in what? >_<

Well, this is it! Last Weekend in Esperance, so what did i do now?

Hmmm saturday, spent time having my last surf at esperances crystal clear waters...

Sunday, caught up with a few of the locals on the sunday, had a few games of pool, started of crap, but then got better... but i wanna get my own pool table soon! so look out pool shark Bryan's comin your way! *plays Jaws music... baaaaaa bum....baaaaa bum...!~*

Went to visit my favorite spots in Esperance for the last time, ie the look out, Twilight Cove, The Wind Farms, Eleven mile beach, West Beach, Fourth Beach (yes there are ALOT of beaches in Esperance, these are my favorites though...)

Compilations of my life and experience in ol' Espoz... ie flat tires, surfing, working, and bootiful scenery! purrtyyy shinny stuff gooot!
The melancholy, a chapter ends, but a new one begins, what lies ahead? where am i going?

Actually Sunday was kind of a mellow melancholy mood... actually come to think of it, i think my whole week has been kind of hard to describe, i'm not exactly bursting with excitement about going home, yet at the same time, i'm not exactly aching to stay longer. My emotions feel like their being tugged two directions, leaving me all stretched out and devoid of feeling. *ack* getting all poetic, better stop :P

So yahhh thats my week. I know i should be looking forward to coming home, but at the same time, it kinda feels weird, because its almost like when i get there i'm like thinking... "So, big boy what now?" (well maybe minus the 'big boy' bit lol) Like what should i be doing now??? should i go move off to some random place again? stay put? what to do? The world is my oyster once again. It feels like i'm back where i started before starting work. All lost and confused like the simple graduate student that i was. And i'm still refusing to grow up! But i feel that i'm losing grip of my lil eight year old child spirit residing in me with everyday i work! Booo i hate work! now i understand how Paris Hilton can be so carefree! I wonder if by not working we all end up like Paris hiltons? O_o

Wahhhh "Bryan Hilton soo0ooo sexy! wheres my prada underwear?"
I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt soo sexyyy it hurts...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

My to do list...DO IT come on! just DO IT!

Geeez don't u hate it when ure just about to blog all your rants and raves that you've been thinking for the last 1/2 hour, but when it comes to putting it in... *blank* O_o

I think it must be because i'm listening to the dugly(new word dumb ugly) Mariah Carey... is stupidity infectious?? Oooooo harsh u say? well i give a rats a$$ ^_- \/ ...Well i haven't started to sing in high pitches yet...

GOLLY! i'm annoyed with friendster, i've been trying to post on the bulletin board something of actual use, a 'real bulletin post' not some stupid post about how friendster is gunna kick you out for not using your acct, or posts about a person filling out a 30 minute questionaire out of pure boredom. But a post that i actually wanna tell my friends about an important event.

The event i am talking about is the upcoming City to surf 28th of August; right since it didn't post on friendster, i'm going to post it on my bloggy instead.

Quote from 3rd attempt at posting on friendster:

"Hi everyone! i think this is like the third time i'm trying to post
this! bloody friendster! Anyway keeping it short and non witty due to
frustration this time!

City to surf is coming! August 28th! Time to lose the pounds gained
from winter u tubbies! Yah i will be participating in it this year, as with all
the other years, and was wondering if any of youssee want to join me!

Thinking of going for a meal after the run or drinks for the
alcoholic inclined ;) and on my friendster list, there's a lot of them

Its not necessary that u run, hell 80% don't, but just be there on
what i could describe simply as a "Buzzy fun social atmosphere" even if its
doing exercise :( hauahah

So for those who want to join me, or want to dress up!??! thats
another option, a lot of ppl do... like 80% <- okay thats a lie, but it'd be a hell of an experience if we did! For this Run for a good cause! Please! Gimme a buzz or msg, and we'll organize transport!

Anyway for more details go here!

Hope u guys can make it! If not, take it easy, and for the perth ppl, i'll see u in
14 days!

PS Kae, Lets go for it! We'll jog it together! I'll call u

Anyway, now i've been thinking, i'll be coming back soon. Its quite cute that there are ppl that can't wait for me to come home for one reason or another! ^_- u know who u are guys. But anyway theres soooo many things that i want to do when i get back.. heres my list.

  • Go Skydiving (Clarissa u better not pike! Muahhahaha)
  • Get a Tattoo (Anybody know of any good places to do it in Perth?)
  • Get my motorbike licence finally
  • Buy a pool table
  • Get a new mobile (Looking at motorola v or samsung d600 or Sony Ericsson W800i) Anyone got any other recomendations or comments?)
  • Join up with 3g
  • Buy a new sufboard (Anyone selling??? probably not from any of my friends... me being the only asian surfie in Perth lol)
  • Spray paint using templates that surfboard (Lynnie Linda might need your help on this one if u guys don't mind)
  • *Perhaps* get a new car.
  • Go see circue du soleil! (ANYONE wanna go see with??? pleeeazze? tix are only $100+ huahahaha)

I'm such a consumer aren't I? ehheheh can't help it... esp with the shopping bit, apparently i look like a tree, and my fashion sense has gone very 'ang mo' which is not good for chasing chixors apparently... But anyway... keep out an eye for blog posts of any of these events being... fingers crossed, i'll get all of them done!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

2nd round... lucky this time?

Okay, i just reread my last post, apart from all the gramatical and spelling error(my england goot no?) I think i dwelved a bit too deep and kind of went off on a tangent trying to show off my literary and philosophical powress(don't worry i turned off Ibiza chillout sessions, listening to Amerie oooo la la). But there is a boundary between 'genius' and 'insane'. So here goes round two... will i ever get this whole bloggin thing down pat?

Anyway, my qualm today, is that, one of my close friends from the past (younger than me by one year 21 years), is getting married! OMG... weird i mean i know that we are at that age where the whole acceptable age of marrying is ie 20+ but i felt so uncomfortable knowing this?

It just makes me feel like "shit, Bryan, you're dead sexy, incredibly charming and above all a the sweetest nicest single guy" **DISCLAIMER: this may be a 'bending' of the truth** Should i be thinking about this now? am i behind? you feel so pressured and rushed when u hear a good friend is getting married. I mean i got another old hs friend getting married to a chick he met in indo after 1 year, but that doesn't count. He's white. LOl jkjk

But dang! I mean i have mulled and mopped over the fact that everyones getting older and more 'mature' therefore less hanging out, less partying, more sitting at home and going to work. And i still have not submitted to that *yet* my "Peter Pan" syndrome (as i call it, ie never wanna grow up) is still very strong. To get married? thats huge! A massive commitment. I dunno, its scary, soon i'm going to have less and less friends, which means that i'll have less and less people to hang out with. Then *POW* before you know it, i'm one of those dodgey old men in the trains checking out highschool girls... erk.

So i guess i better get cracking now. Right, Ahem. *cough cough* Attention all women!

Single male, 22, looking for single female(s), good looking.
height: 5ft 7. Weight: 73-75 kg.

Enjoys: all sports, esp water sports, eating out, swimming in money(like Scrooge McDuck in ducktales), trying new things, all sorts of music bar western(thats not music yo.).

Dislikes: Whiny people, rude people, blood (haemaphobe), closemindedness.

Looking for: Semi independant sassy woman with a cute side. Must enjoy trying new things all the time. Mustn't be after my money. Must look like Jeon Ji Hyun or similar. Mustn't be a man pretending to be a woman. Must Cook well. (hey someones gotta make up for my lack of culinary skill) Mustn't have bad BO.

Proposed date and venue of marriage: 2010-2011 Tropical Beach side style wedding like in Richie Ren and Sammi Chengs movie "Summer Holiday" (realeased 2000).

Oooo how unoriginal ;) hauhahahahaha

What do you mean life isn't simple??


Been reading a lot of blogs recently, and realised that mine is hardly serious at all :P

So i'm going to attempt to blog my almost deepest semi-dark feelings today.

What can i say? today was a good day, i'm still recovering from my stomach-cramp-wanna-throw-up-yet-i'm-still-hungry pains. But mentally, my mind was amuck. My brains actually a mess normally, if my brain was a metaphor, it'd be strangely interesting and wise sewerage.

Right, first thing. I came up with a theory that just cleared a lot of life for me. I have been lately trying to be original "not run with the herd aka end up in the f&^king slaughterhouse" as a good friend quotes regularly. But then i realised, wtf is orginality? by me being alternative is that orginal? dissing social norms, is that original? alternative music, now has a categorie unto itself, so its no longer original?

I've realised that most things are not original, almost everything nowadays thought of as being 'original' is just an actual collage of memories, and hence since these memories were mixes of items/experiences/influences of another 'thing'(in the broad sense of the word), technically, its not original. Think about it, designers make their creations through influence and never really have a form of originality, just influences. The person who invented surfing, probably saw a log being pushed to shore by a wave, and thus wasn't exactly original. So really, its just an overlap of influences and memories that creat so called forms of 'originality'

But there is a source to all this originality, otherwise there wouldn't be this overlap or creativity or life possibly at all. The ultimate form of originality? Nature. Thats it. We derive everything from nature plain and simply. Other things are irrelevant.

Damn i gotta stop listening to "Ibiza Chillout sessions" when i blog :P

Anyway, i was experimenting last night, you know that theory that men think of sex every 3 minutes or something... well, sitting alone, couldn't sleep 2am in the morning... i reached down into my pants.... NAh not really.

I came with an experiment to 'bust this myth' as the totally awesome Mythbusters would say, and just tried to think of as many random objects/people/words and say them out a loud as fast as my brain could. Though sexual items did prop up quite a lot. I stumbled upon a funny trick. Our brains are crap. They can't process things quickly without relating items to one another. Like if i thought of apples, next item would be another fruit lychee, then it'd be SE Asia, then it'd be malaysian girl, then it'd be hotel, then it'd be..... hahaha

Well anyway, i found that quite interesting. You should try it, if you are ever bored out of ure skull an insomniac living 800km from home by yourself that hasn't had a healthy meal for the last month.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Uggggg sick

Yes i know i had it coming... i'm having stomach cramps right now... tryin to force it down with a mix of hot salami sticks and sour skittles, don't think its helping... at least the mold taste is out of my mouth.... The day did not look good. Only on the third day for the quest empty pantry absolution, danger has befallen our hero Long Elf Largentas Estinelas.

*spplllttt sppplllllt splooooshhhh* -translated "i am unable to converse at this time, as my mouth is my ass, please leave a msg... *sppplrrtttt**"
How do you like 'Mr pretty boy' now girls? give him a kissss, and get transmit a disease of two...

The day did not bode well for our heroes, with the first indication of bad omens, when a strangely shaped peanut butter spread begun to appear on their lembas bread. Signs were not good for our heroes, soon after staring at the oddly shapped peanut butter, stomach fits occured. From hysteria what not of staring at the poo shapped breakfast too long.

What the?? Poo related comments from previous post flowing on??

After much strenious tremendous trek (3min drive to work) our heroes faced our first challenge... the much feared sirens of sleep! (aka tax returns) unfortunately though, no ear muffs or wax could prevent the devastating power...

Genius! I was completely fooled!
Yes i do, do work at work.

Fast forward to evening... Esperamore dead quiet(as well as boring), not an orc (our receptionist) or a goblin (padantic lady that works out the back) to be heard... when our heroes stumble upon a gourd of black substance, with a slightly white film...perhaps well seasoned oil?...weary and starved from a tough day of fighting orcs and goblins as the such, our heroes submit to the black substance and cook up a 'zaru soba suprise' only to find that the henous sauce had been leftover and the film was not that of seasoned oil at all! But off the mossy mold from the dead marshes...

What fate will befall our heroes... what hospital awaits him? will he need to wear a nappy for life? Who knows?... stay tuned...

Friday, July 08, 2005

And so it begins...

The quest has begun, not for the weak stomached or naseous types... it has begun.... The quest to eat EVERYTHING thats been sitting/rotting in my pantry and fridge this last year. No more grocery shopping for the next 3 weeks. Brace yourself stomach, the war has just begun.... *plays lord of the rings music*

Gandalf the glut, hear me ROAR! *burrrppp*
The quest for middle intestine begins...damn redrock chilli chips are deeelish!

Oh how much throwing up will be done? how much food poisoning awaits us on this perilous quest? "6 food groups to conquor, one stomach to rule them all"

Supposedly this is what i'm supposed to be eating... more like it will become like this....
Food pyramid? more food labyrinth

HAhaahh i just found something interesting, google "diarrhea picture" and you will get the picture found below... I thought it was hilarious...

Hey Blue did u just do a doo doo?
I think blue just left us a clue!

The internet a source of all knowledge usefull and helpful... but theres the other scale as well... ie and warning these sites might put u off food, or turn you on. (If it does, your one sick motherfu....)

Anyway... about my day, slow as, not much work to do, emailing a lot of ppl that i haven't heard from in a long time so that was good! A lot of catching up to do when i get back! Meh, i can't be bothered to talk about my life, so stop peeking into it! but please comment on my blog ;)


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Fuckin' Terrorists!

Was going to do a humorous blog about my stomach and eating... but with these attacks that have just happened, i'm too mellow worried about friends in Europe and I think i'll write a short blog about terrorism.

TERRORISM IS GAY! GO BURN IN HELL TERRORISTS, I wish i could pass a general world law: for every act of terrorism incurred, for every terrorist attack, the country of origin from which the terrorists/attack came should be bombed the same number of times with nukes. The targets will be at random. They want random acts of killing? we can give them random acts of killing!

No funny photos today. I'm annoyed.

Ps for anyone involved with the attacks, and caught, should get their and any of their sons, nephews and cousins balls cut off, so that they cannot spread their evil seeed. GRRRRRR

Monday, July 04, 2005

Man homer your really slow... "WORD Said... wait a minute...."

Apparently i'm a retard :( I can understand with pictures like these...
have u seen my leather bound cross stitched pig hide spherical shaped base ball?
But i dunno hey, i think its more a matter of being random than retarded? I don't run around yelling "have u seen my baseball" I tell u some of my friends however... not to name any names... they on the other hand, i querie their mental stability...

Nyway, good news! RSM Bird Cameron is sending me home! woot woot! can't wait to go home, but i gotta pack and all that crap on the weekend, and its gunna be one killa 8 hour drive argh! But going home is worth the wait...

home sweet home...
This is not my house, this is a lie, but i will not take any responsiblity, it is my house. In my head. woot woot!

Played bball announced the news to the local guys that i won't be joining them this season, the were sad, they said they were going to miss my shenanigans and super MJ skills. (The bball MJ that is... actually let me clarify, the BASKETBALL MICHAEL JORDAN. Not boys balls Michael jackson.) Anyway i'm too tired to blog good today, brain not good work today.

In your face biatttchhh!
I wonder what other skills he can apply this position to... er....

So i'll leave u guys to imagine blog a wonderful blog in your head. U freaks.