Tuesday, June 28, 2005


OoooOooooo Theres something about Tan girls that just get the hormones buzzing! Mmmmm... why is it that Tan girls are such a turn on? Is it our dark skinned African roots? I have no idea... but something about them.... *shudders*

I LOVE TANNED GIRLS!, lets make that official! Tanness emphasizes Energy! Youth! Adventure! Life! Strength! Independance! Passion! and lots of beach which i love! O_o heheheh nyway, back to the blog... I WAS about to write about how gross and disgusting 'fake' tan was... until i saw this photo... i think i'll need to reassess... ;) i'm a fickle person that changes my mind quickly, no i don't! Yes I do! Um?...

Vavvaaa voooooooom!


Japanese are the biggest culprits of 'fake tan' As these Ganguro girls promptly demonstrate, they seriously 'cake it on' Though the examples i have shown are of the 'sexually alluring' nature. Please pplz... stop wanking now, because you're about to get a shock, but if you've already finished wanking after reading this, you came too fast ;)


Viola, the not so good Ganguro type girls...but wait! theres more!

...I can't see through the make up!...wait let me add more eyeliner!... you'll be booootifull!

The even more wrong Ganguro type BOYS! Omg what monkeys~!

The typical 'V' on chicks sooo cute... hold on... wait... those aren't chicks....

Rigghhht so back to the issue... rightt... although the first example was damnnn fine specimen of hot Ganguro girls... i doubt that they're interesting people. Most likely is that they're insecure people with an inferiority complex want to be noticed in society, but cannot do so without looking, how can i say? Like a golden monkey? not saying that these girls are, but i believe as a majority stereotype, this would be the case.

Do they realise that they look like they've spent too long cooking in an oven set on 'deep fry'? I think so, do they realise that with a little rain and a bit of make up remover that they become can melt plain people? I think they do. Do they care? I think not... because the spotlight is all they crave.

Fair enough u use fake tan for special occasion, like a fashion shoot, a school ball etc etc, but to wear it ALL the time? Why not spend all that time putting on the fake tan, actually sitting out in the sun and getting a real one? Or even going to a solarium? Though thats not much better... Tsk... i don't like the fake tan, it dilutes all that Tanness stands for, and it makes it difficult for me and any other 'pure tan' lovers to find the 'real thing'! Kinda like thai 'women' and how they have peni.... woahhh Lets not go there....

...Good GRAVy!... before there were heaps of nice tanned (natural?) 'friendster' girls lol i have to blog on about friendster one day... that i could find as an example, but now i got none, none that i already know that will probably bitch slap my ass to the moon if they found out i posted their picture ;) But once you google "tanned asian photos" 3 guesses of what search results you get? I'll give you a hint, it *rhymes* with 'corn'... but i checked em out anyway, just to be sure ;) If i find one i'll post here. If you wanna submit your tan picture, pass it to me and after rigirous testing, if sucessful will be posted here

[Insert your Tan picture here]

HEheheh maybe i'm being superficial again... but theres also a level of tanness that distinguishes burnt or well done... but i'll save that for another blog..... lol Allll hail T.A.N!!!! Totally Asian Naturelle!!! (Tan that is)!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Surfing and Japan in the 70s

Goodie goodie! Was a good day today! ^____^ lots of 3ft-4ft surf even till 3 in the arvo! Met a cool guy whos travelled around Australia! This was his second time! Hardcore! knows almost every spot and place around the coast lines in Aus! He reckons Esperance has one of the best beaches though, so i liked him ;)

Anyway, rest of the day was spent sleeping, i think i spent 3.5 hrs out in the water, i barely had enough energy to walk up the sand dunes to my car by the time i'd finished, heheheh And now i'm contemplating, due to 2 days of surf 'hair' of getting dreads done, like not the massive rasta type, but like mini dreds like the japs ^_- what do you guys think?

Watched a pretty good film just then, it was very 70s, its called 'Stray rock sex hunter' don't mind the title, its not porn ;) but its like a 70s based Jap film about a group of girl gangsters and the trials and tribulations of racism(against half castes etc) at the time, i was thoroughly impressed! even though it was made in the 70s, i think most artso's would appreciate it too, it had a thumpin oldskool soundtrack, well flowing plot, and there was good character development. And some FUNKY assed fashion even for 70s might i say. Very cool film indeed, its among one of my favorites!

Yasuharu Hasebe...in one word? Grooovey!!

There has always been the conception that there is still racism between foreigners and half castes in Japan in present day, and i wonder if that is really the case. I've heard of people who have moved over to Japan attempting to establish a lifestyle there, only to return bitterly dissapointed due to the racisism they received. Mind you i don't mean racism with caucasians, god! i think we all know that they love caucasians, but among fellow asians/half castes.

I'm planning on going to Japan to teach english for a year, yet ANOTHER one of my unfulfilled dreams, and i hope that that won't be the case when i get there. Though with the issues with Japan and China at the moment, i guess i should be prepare my self for the anything.

Anyhoo, short bloggeth today, feeling quite lazy, can't wait to go home next weekend! Yay!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Crap is an Under Over statement of my day :P

Howdy peepz, Ugh a very painful and unhygenic day today... lucky for you i've given my 'photoshopping' skills a miss on account that i'm tired, very sore and painful...no deep inspirational or controversial topics either today, not that i've had this blog for long... i plan to torture you ppl with my bitchin' and rants... umm i mean my ideologies and theories ;)

Anyway... back to the day, ugh. Started off today, went for my morning surf as usual, decided to try my favorite spot, (3rd carpark, tourist loop) Theres always been a reef near where i surf, but most of the time, i surf quite far away from it... but today... it seems like the surf gods weren't smiling on me.

The FIRST wave that i caught! My one wave, it was only about ~3ft twas all going well, but as it was bringing me to shore, i noticed...hey this isn't where i paddled out from! and then i realised, SheEEet!, i was heading straight to reef! I didn't realise, but while i was paddling out, the current was pushing me closer and closer to the reef. So what can you do? i had to bail, but by that time it was too late, i was getting sucked into the reef by the current.... The rest of the story tells itself, i got some bruising a lot of cuts, a bit of blood (WHICH I HATE!!, cos i'm a haemaphobe) and small chunk of meat coming out of the sole of my foot.

Owchies, my bloody foot... not pretty...
My foot red, blood, me haemaphobe... NOT good!

Anyway, lucky i was wearing a wet suit, otherwise i reckon i would have got alot more hurt. And lucky that my board got more of a bruisin when i was getting out of the reef... Unfortunately for it, its 'dinged' up and scratched up as the surfies call it. To make things worse, a crab clawed my bleeding foot as i was getting out :( so NOT happy JAN. I mean i knew that theres a first experience in getting hurt in surfing, so i guess i have to be lucky it wasn't too serious.

The rest of the day, spent recovering and licking my wounds... not literally, i don't think i could EVER lick blood UGhhghhghghg. Even if its like a survivor challenge or something. I pass out at the sight of blood, like quantious amounts >_<>

Looking at my kitchen, i encountered something i haven't encountered before in all my singlehood life. Normally its, i have no food, therefore i must starve on spoonfulls of milo. This time however, it wasn't the lack of food. (Its a saturday, shopping day... mmm $80 worth of junk food....mmm) It was more the lack of dishes to put the food in, when cooking.

Duuurrrrttttyyyyy ^_-
Check out the dish rack on the right... when its empty, not good :P

Oh and on another update... Its A WINTER PLAYGROUND IN ESPERANCE! heheeh jkjk I cleaned out all that bloody frost in my non frost free fridge! The result is as follows ;)

The closest i ever got to snow... ;)
OOoooo! I can almost make a mini snowman with this ;)

Mehhh so a not so good day... i think when i get back to Perth, i'm going to trade in my board to get a new one... I think my epoxy board is really a bit of a bush pig, i need something faster and lighter...mmm fibre glassness... Anywayyyy hopefully tomorrows surf adventure will be promising... ^___^ yep, you heard, if my cuts etc are all healed by tmr, i'm going again! I just can't get enough of the surffff!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Travel bug has bitten, its bitten deep!

Woah sudden burst of travel energy *pop* ahhh energy levels too high! *bounces travel destinations through head* Hawaii surfing yeah! Dubaii hot deseerrttts! HOT!! Spain running of the bulls YOWCHAZ! Sapporo Japan! Snow season! Sick! Italy! Ferrari! FAST! New York! Twin towers... errr RIP guys... oooh that just took a mellow tune.... OMG i think i've been staying in Esperance too long! Can't wait to get home!

One of my dream destinations! Samfermin festival, Pamplona

The years gone soo fast, its really quite funny! YOu ppl didn't think i would make it mAUhahaha~ well look at me now! hornier and more desperate than ever!!! girlss numbers please...call me at 0412 %$^ &%& hahaha but seriously PARTYYYYYYY is all i wanna do when i get back!

yes... i know, bad photoshop... but you try to photoshop a receding hairline of a yellow man onto a white one!!!

Wahhh but other than this sudden burst of travel energy, nothing to report today, my non frost free fridge is turning into a winter better chip it out soon... wheres my ice pick?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hmm wow! Time sure does fly! but why without me?

Wow! just talking to my bestie Kae over the phone about random rubbish, when the topic of one of our old friends Christine came up! Heya Christine! if your reading ;) Missin' ya an everyone back home!

Its been a long time since i've spoken to a lot of friends, HEY i'm still thinking about u guys! Its quite ironic though, as i'll be moving back home to Perth soon, but yet, everyone seems to be moving away? (yes i'm thinking of a certain Hana, Nerissa, Charis *stares*) They're all girls too? It must be an omen :P

But anyway... back to the topic

Christine was my highschool ball partner, and ever since we have been good friends, shes a hell drunk, but she knows that i am too. We both don't admit we're drunks, but deep inside, we know better :)

A sober bunch.... only to get drunker............ UNTIL..............ahhh the nostalgia...
Lots of funn drunkedness...ahhh the nostalgia...and the blurred vision....

Anyhoo... Chris will be moving to Sydney soon to work, where the normal daily commute is 1 hr to get to work and back, whilst working hours are 8-8pm. So many of my friends have gone there to work, and are leaving too, yet i can't comprehend why? The balance of life versus work, seems to be severly misbalanced?

I understand we are young, therefore we are able to handle these lifestyles, but thats just it... I don't get it? 'we are able to handle these lifestyles'? Does that mean that we should be spending majority of our days working to no end, and retiring back to sleep only to wake up to the same ol drudgery over and over again for our youth??

I understand its important to work hard, but at the same time, i'm thinking, "I'm young, shouldn't i be having more fun and enjoying quality of life, while i still can until i get older?" actually scratch that. "I'm human, therefore i should be spending as much time as i can on this big blue earth enjoying what oppurtunities and joys it can bring?"

Many people rarely enjoy the work that they do, and if they do, they are either one of the very lucky minority that get into a job that they can fully appreciate, or b, they are easily satisfied. Sure Sydney is a big and fun place to party at, but thats just it, its a fun party place, but in terms of living and working there? I'm not just critisizing Sydney of course, our Asian neighbours are even worse, with Singapore and Malaysia being some of the main culprits!

You might think its because i'm a very lazy person, but you think about it yourself, why is it that we work? Its so that we can provide good quality of life for our family, and to live a comfortable life. Unless your extremely material obsessed, work is more a chore, something that has to be done to get the bread on the table, provided you get time from work to sit at that table.

Its quite weird yarrr.... i guess this is my "Generation Y" syndrome kicking in. Work is something everyone can do without. I just want to know what will happen when everyone works so much that they forget what they are doing it for?

The ultimate job thrill!~
What do you mean you can't say bomb in a plane? bomb ba ba bomb bomb bomb!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Soccer, veering on the classification of 'womens' sport?

Oooo AHHhhhh.... got the photos finally working...

Sometimes you have to wonder, what is up with this game we call soccer? called 'football' in most asian countries, don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of the sport and i love to play the game. But what i hate the most is the diving and faking of pain that goes on in the sport!

My god! u'd think you were watching a a melodrama of who can make the worst face contortion look! Fair enough, go down when your in you serious pain, and broken something vital to living. But puhhhlease, i just cringe whenever i see acts like Rivaldo in Brasil world cup get struck in the legs mildly with a soccer ball to do the full "back flip and grab my face in pain, even though i was struck in the knees move!" Not that Rivaldos got a face worth saving... mind you. Those brazillians, they come up with all the moves...

Would u save this?
HELPff! i haff glwue stuck o my fingas an now wook!

Or even sexier, this?
I use oil of Ulan for my legs...so silky...so smooth...

If you've ever lived in Aus like i have, you know that there are sports far worse than 'soccer' where pain is actually a real possiblity! Look at Aussie Rules, where your encouraged to literally jump on your opponent's back(in the non sexual sense) and ride him (non sexu...ahhh u get it) in the air looking for an oblong shaped football....Gee i just realised 'Aussie rules' has a lot of sexual connotations.

The King of football Mr "Chris Judd"... who looks suspiciously like...
Yeah i run with futball good. momma says i fast.Yellow and Blue Steeele baby

Or Rugby, the Australian one, not like the stupid version NFL, where the prerequisites of entry is to

a. Either be extremely obesely fat(not hard in the US) and good at playing 'patty cakes' with your opponent
b. Throw good and far like your momma taught u. Or run fast. Without forgetting the ball.

That sport is rough Aussie Rugby, you wear no armour, your facing a 100+kg opponent that can ACTUALLY run, and your constantly being bashed whether u have the ball or not!


These sports illustrate how ridiculous the 'feining' (spelling? i'm lazy to spell check) that soccer is, if this type of crap was ever allowed or occurred in the sports mentioned before. On a mass basis, the game would never get going with everyone keeled over in "pain", but if you did it yourself trying to start a trend, you would get chucked into the womens league, or killed. By your team mates. nuff said.

Its no wonder that soccer is thought of as such a 'piss poor sport' or a 'wanker sport' as the Aussies might call it? because in all honesty think about it can we blame them? That aside, i'm still watching the game, Brazil vs Mexico on the lovely SBS channel. Although a 'piss poor sport' still a damn good one, bar the majority of whusses that play in it.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The birth of a Blog... what hell and riots will it reap?

Wow finally got sucked into the blogosphere... hmmm what can i say? errr hello cyberspace? Hope you don't mind, cos theres going to be alot of vomit and crap coming out of this blogspot hencforth....

Errr what is this blog dedicated to? Dedicated to? hmmm I guess my life? My experiences of an ABC/semi-fob/Japanese wannabe "adult" *cough* *cough* *bullshit* *ahem* living in Australia? The hardships of love that i encounter? the pains of lifes lessons encountered, the things i have dropped on the ground and eaten... and anything inbetween?

Well *ahem* TAdA! Welcome to my blog, fellow cyber geeks, i mean readers. Hope you'll like what i post, and to those that know me, please don't stare at me different after reading my blogs hehehe

Lets get started! Pug engines are GO!


Au revoir!

A rare narcissistic moment for me